The Ramsar
Convention |
The Convention on Wetlands of
International Importance, known as the
Ramsar Convention, is an
intergovernmental treaty that provides
the framework for national action and
international cooperation for the
conservation and wise use of wetlands
and their resources. |
The Convention's mission is "the
conservation and wise use of all
wetlands through local and national
actions and international cooperation,
as a contribution towards achieving
sustainable development throughout the
world". |
Wetlands are among the world’s most
productive environments. They are
cradles of biological diversity,
providing the water and primary
productivity upon which countless
species of plants and animals depend for
survival. They support high
concentrations of birds, mammals,
reptiles, amphibians, fish and
invertebrate species. Wetlands are also
important storehouses of plant genetic
material. Rice, for example, which is a
common wetland plant, is the staple diet
of more than half of humanity. |
The Convention uses a broad definition
of the types of wetlands covered in its
mission, including lakes and rivers,
swamps and marshes, wet grasslands and
peatlands, oases, estuaries, deltas and
tidal flats, near-shore marine areas,
mangroves and coral reefs, and
human-made sites such as fish ponds,
rice paddies, reservoirs, and salt pans. |
How the Convention started. |
Just after the Second World War
scientists started expressing concern
about the decline in habitats for
migrating birds, not only at their
destination points, but also along their
flying routes. In the early 1960’s
efforts to establish an international
treaty between nations along these
routes intensified, this eventually lead
to a meeting of delegates from 18
nations held in the Caspian seaside
resort of Ramsar in Iran in February
1971. |
The delegates agreed on the text for a
“Convention on Wetlands” on 2 February
1971 and signed by all delegates the
following day. South Africa was
represented by two officials from the
then Department of Foreign Affairs. |
The Convention entered into force on 21
December 1975, upon receipt by UNESCO,
the Convention Depositary, of the
seventh instrument of accession to or
ratification of the Convention, which
came from Greece. Australia was the
first country to accede to the
Convention, South Africa was fifth. |
The original official name of the
Convention was “Convention on Wetlands
of International Importance especially
as Waterfowl Habitat”, but as this is
quite a mouthful it soon became known
simply as the Ramsar Convention. After a
revision of the criteria in the mid
1990’s, the formal name was shortened to
“Convention on Wetlands of International
Importance”. |
The Convention today
(February 2013) |
Number of Contracting Parties: 164
countries |
Sites designated for the List of
Wetlands of International Importance:
2,083 sites |
Total surface area of designated sites
(hectares): 197,849,428 ha |
The nation with the highest number of
sites is the United Kingdom with 169;
the nation with the greatest area of
listed wetlands is Canada, with
13,086,771 ha. The world’s largest
Ramsar site is the Queen Maud Gulf
in Canada, total area 6,278,200 ha. |
The Convention is managed by a standing
committee, a scientific review panel,
and a secretariat headed by a
Secretary-general. The headquarters is
located in Gland, Switzerland, shared
with the IUCN. UNESCO is the depository
of the articles of association of the
Ramsar Convention, but plays no other
role in the convention. |
The mechanism for implementing the
convention is the List of Wetlands of
International Importance. Wetlands must
be accepted by the contracting parties
and must conform to the Criteria for
Identifying Wetlands of International
Importance. These wetlands must be
managed so that the criteria conditions
are maintained. The listed sites are
commonly known as Ramsar sites. |
The Montreux Record was established at
the Conference of Parties in Montreux,
Switzerland, in 1990 and is "a record of
Ramsar sites where changes in ecological
character have occurred, are occurring
or are likely to occur" maintained by
the Secretariat in consultation with the
Contracting Party concerned. The purpose
of the Montreux Record is to identify
priority sites for national and
international attention, including
assistance through Ramsar. There are
currently 51 sites listed in the
Montreux Record. |
Criteria for Identifying Wetlands of
International Importance |
This is a simple list of the Criteria
themselves out of their explanatory
settings. They should properly be used
as part of the Strategic Framework and
guidelines for the future development of
the List of Wetlands of International
Importance |
Criterion for sites containing
representative, rare or unique wetland
types |
Criterion 1: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it contains a representative, rare, or
unique example of a natural or
near-natural wetland type found within
the appropriate biogeographic region. |
Criteria based on species and ecological
communities |
Criterion 2: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it supports vulnerable, endangered, or
critically endangered species or
threatened ecological communities. |
Criterion 3: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it supports populations of plant and/or
animal species important for maintaining
the biological diversity of a particular
biogeographic region. |
Criterion 4: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it supports plant and/or animal species
at a critical stage in their life
cycles, or provides refuge during
adverse conditions. |
Specific criteria based on waterbirds |
Criterion 5: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it regularly supports 20,000 or more
waterbirds. |
Criterion 6: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it regularly supports 1% of the
individuals in a population of one
species or subspecies of waterbird. |
Specific criteria based on fish |
Criterion 7: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it supports a significant proportion of
indigenous fish subspecies, species or
families, life-history stages, species
interactions and/or populations that are
representative of wetland benefits
and/or values and thereby contributes to
global biological diversity. |
Criterion 8: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it is an important source of food for
fishes, spawning ground, nursery and/or
migration path on which fish stocks,
either within the wetland or elsewhere,
depend. |
Specific criteria based on other taxa |
Criterion 9: A wetland should be
considered internationally important if
it regularly supports 1% of the
individuals in a population of one
species or subspecies of
wetland-dependent non-avian animal
species. |
Ramsar sites in South Africa |
The Convention on Wetlands came into
force for South Africa on 21 December
1975. South Africa presently has 20
sites designated as Wetlands of
International Importance, with a total
surface area of 553,178 hectares. |
The first South African sites were De
Hoop Vlei in the Western Cape and
Barberspan in North West Province, both
registered on 12 March 1975; the most
recent one is the Ntsikeni Nature
Reserve in Kwa-Zulu Natal registered on
2 February 2010. |
Site |
Province |
Location |
Area (ha) |
Barberspan |
North West |
NE of Vryburg |
3 118 |
Blesbokspruit |
Gauteng |
Springs |
1 858 |
De Hoop
Vlei |
Cape |
Bredasdorp |
750 |
De Mond |
Cape |
Bredasdorp |
918 |
Bay |
KwaZulu-Natal |
Ndumo /
Jozini |
10 982 |
Sibaya |
KwaZulu-Natal |
/ Ubombo |
7 750 |
Langebaan |
Cape |
Langebaan |
6 000 |
Makuleke Wetlands |
Limpopo |
Northern Kruger NP |
7 757 |
Drakensberg Park |
KwaZulu-Natal |
SW & W
of Estcourt |
242 813 |
Game Reserve |
KwaZulu-Natal |
Ndumo |
10 117 |
Ntsikeni Nature Reserve |
KwaZulu-Natal |
N of
Kokstad |
9 200 |
Nylsvley Nature Reserve |
Limpopo |
Nylstroom/Naboomspruit |
3 970 |
River Mouth |
Northern Cape |
Alexander Bay |
2 000 |
Edward Islands |
Cape |
SE of
Cape Town |
37 500 |
Lucia System |
KwaZulu-Natal |
Lucia |
155 500 |
Seekoeivlei Nature Reserve |
State |
Memel |
4 754 |
Beaches/Coral Reefs of Tongoland |
KwaZulu-Natal |
Mocambique border south to Cape
Vidal – 150km |
39 500 |
Verloren Valei Nature Reserve |
Mpumalanga |
Dullstroom/Lydenburg |
5 891 |
Verlorenvlei |
Cape |
Elandsbaai |
1 500 |
Wilderness Lakes |
Cape |
George |
1 300 |
Two sites, Blesbokspruit and Orange
River Mouth, are currently on the
Montreux Record; Blesbokspruit because
of a threat from acid mine water, and
Orange River Mouth because of diamond
mining in the salt marshes. |
» Click here to view the South African Ramsar sites. |
Ramsar website |
More information about the Ramsar
Convention can be found on the Ramsar
website; »
click here. |