Keep these weeds out of your Garden |
There are a number of emergent weeds that are
causing problems in our nature reserves and public
open spaces; they flower from August to October and
can then be easily identified. If you have these
growing in your garden, we encourage you to get rid
of them as they are invasive undesirables. |
These are: |
Echium plantagineum
(Patterson’s Curse) |
Argemone mexicana
(Mexican poppy) |
Rapistrum rugosum
(Wild mustard) |
Vicia benghalensis
(Reddish tufted vetch) |
Lavatera arborea
(Tree Mallow) |
Lupinus luteus
(Lupins) |
helioscopia (Umbrella milkweed) |
» Click
here to view and read more about these plants |
There are a number of events
planned by Friends of Rietvlei
and Friends of BCA over the next
few months; our members are
invited to attend these and
bring family and friends. |
Spring Walk in Diep
River Corridor
Where: Meet at Caltex Garage at
circle Parklands Main Rd / Gie
When: Sunday 18 September @
Contact: Christopher on 021 557
5509 or |
Visit to Intaka Island
Where: Meet at Intaka Island at
Century City; or if you
want lift from Rietvlei, contact
Pat or Gail.
When: Sunday 2 October @ 15h00
Contact: Pat on 083 701 4318 or
Gail on 082 937 8759 |
Evening Talk at BCA:
“Reptiles and Amphibians of Cape
Town” & “An overview of
Biodiversity Database”
Speakers: Cliff Dorse & Dalton
Where: Log Cabin at Eerste Steen
When: Tuesday 18 October @ 19h30
for 20h00
Contact: Roy on 071 671 9552 |
Evening Talk at
“Overview of students projects
for 2011”
Speakers: North region students
Where: Rietvlei EE Centre
When: Thursday 10 November @
19h30 for 20h00
Contact: Pat on 083 701 4318 |
Evening Talk at BCA:
“Understanding informal economy
of illicit harvesting within
City of Cape Town”
Speaker: Leif Petersen
(University of Queensland,
Where: Log Cabin, Eerste Steen
When: Tuesday 15 November @
19h30 for 20h00
Contact: Roy on 071 671 9552 |
Last year we appealed to the
Provincial Minister of Local
Government, Environmental
Affairs and Development Planning
against the Record of Decision
(ROD) by his department to
authorise the expansion of
Potsdam WWTW from 47Ml/day to
100Ml/day. We have now been
informed that our appeal has
been dismissed, but that the
Record of Decision has been
amended. |
The amended ROD is a great
improvement on the ROD issued
last year, and it now takes into
account most of the issues and
concerns raised by ourselves in
our appeal and by the Department
of Water Affairs and other
scientists last year. In fact,
although it is correct to say
that our appeal was dismissed as
the authorisation was not
withdrawn, we have actually
achieved most of our objectives
in the amended ROD; it also
includes the possibility of
further investigations as
requested by us. Our main
objection was that the EIA did
not include an option for
discharging treated effluent in
the sea, but now the ROD
mentions that this could be a
viable option. |
We are grateful to the Minister
for taking our concerns into
account in the amended ROD, and
now look forward to working
closely with the relevant
authorities to ensure that the
expansion of Potsdam WWTW does
not have negative impacts on the
Diep River and on Rietvlei. |
With regard to our other
submissions, we are still
waiting to hear about the appeal
against conditions for the
development of the Gold Circle
property next to the Milnerton
Racecourse Nature Reserve. The
Draft EIR for the Chevron
pipeline has been released for
public comments, it appears that
concerns we raised are
adequately addressed in the
report. |
There is a proposal for the
upgrading of the public open
space in front of Klein Zoar
cottage at the end of Wemyss
Street at Zoarvlei, also
improving the path and replacing
the bridge over Zoarvlei. While
the general provisions in the
Environmental Management Plan to
ensure that the vlei and natural
environment is not harmed during
this upgrading, we are concerned
that the Landscaping Plan for
the area may be inappropriate.
We are studying this closely and
will be submitting our comments
within the next week. |
At the WESSA: Western Cape AGM
on 18 August 2011, Niel van Wyk
of the Friends of Rietvlei was a
recipient of Regional WESSA
Award in the Individual
Category. These are awarded
annually to persons and
organisations contributing to
environmental conservation and
environmental education in the
Western Cape. |
The citation for the award to
Niel reads as follows: |
For his mature, informed and
firm approach to addressing
environmental issues in and
around the Rietvlei Wetland
Reserve, and for championing the
cause of wetlands in South
Africa. He has valiantly fended
off inappropriate developments
and provided sound and practical
advice on environmental
management. |
Niel’s response to this is: |
“Most of what I have achieved in
a 27-year career in
environmental conservation can
be attributed to the inspiration
and encouragement I received
from senior scientists and
conservationists who shared
their knowledge and experience
with me. I thus think that it is
only right that I now in my turn
share with others the experience
and knowledge I have gained over
the years. I hope that out there
somewhere some young
conservationist may in turn be
inspired and motivated by my
meagre contributions. |
“Whatever I have done to deserve
this award would not have been
possible without the support and
commitment of the members of the
various committees on which I
serve. I must also acknowledge
the goodwill and dedication of
the staff of the City’s
Environmental Resource
Management Department who are so
receptive to suggestions and
ideas. And of course I must
honour those scientists and
colleagues, many now deceased,
who years ago inspired and
encouraged me in my chosen
career.” |
Quite some eight or so years ago
one of our members, Andre Swart,
alerted the City Parks and
Nature Conservation Depts to the
fact that every August/September
Lachenalia pallida was flowering
in the centre median of Koeberg
Road near the Beaufort to
Dordrecht Roads. Andre pleaded
for the median NOT to be mowed
in those months, so that the
plants could set seed. As well
as negotiating with Parks not to
mow, the Nature Conservation
Dept also collected seed. These
seeds were dispersed in the
“Bird Hide Block” at Rietvlei.
Koos Retief, Reserve Manager, is
happy to report that Lachenalia
pallida is now flowering in that
part of the reserve!! And the
median doesn’t get mowed for a
month or two!! |
Environmental Education Centre – 021 521 9900
Entrance Gate – 021 557 5900
Emergencies and standby number 071 268 9637 |