As the first newsletter
for 2007 the Committee would like to wish all members and
friends and family of Friends of Rietvlei all the very best
for the 2007 Year. We hope that this will be an
environmentally aware year for you and that you will make an
effort to support the conservation efforts at Rietvlei in
every way.
2007 |
Evening Talk |
On Thursday
1 February, which is the day before World Wetlands Day, we
are having our first evening talk for 2007. Martin Burr of
Kynoch will be the speaker and he will be telling us about
happenings at the old Kynoch site (opposite Chevron Refinery
which was previously Caltex), on the corner of Koeberg Road
and Plattekloof Road. He will be including in his talk
information about the redirection of Duikersvlei and the
benefit to our wetland, Rietvlei. |
Time: 19h30 for 20h00
Venue: Rietvlei Education Centre, off Sandpiper Road, Table
View, Rietvlei Wetland Reserve
What is World Wetlands
Day? |
2nd February each year is
World Wetlands Day. It marks the date of the adoption of the
Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian
city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Each year
since 1997, government agencies, non-governmental
organisations, and groups of citizens at all levels of the
community have taken advantage of the opportunity to
undertake actions aimed at raising public awareness of
wetland values and benefits in general and the Ramsar
Convention in particular. |
The focus for February 2nd 2007 is on wetlands and fisheries
in recognition of: |
• |
needs of the one billion people who rely on fish as
their primary source of animal protein; |
• |
state of the world's fisheries where 75% of
commercially important marine and most inland water
fish stocks are either currently overfished or being
fished at their biological limit, and where the
effects of unsustainable aquaculture practices on
wetland ecosystems are of growing concern; |
• |
important role that inland and coastal wetlands play
in supporting fish and fisheries at all levels, from
large-scale, commercial fisheries to subsistence
fishers, and from wild, capture fisheries to farmed
fish; the critical role that coastal wetlands play
as spawning and nursery areas for many marine
species; and the urgent need for effective
management of fisheries and the wetland ecosystems
that support them; |
• |
adoption in November 2005 by the Ramsar Convention
of a resolution and annexed guidelines on the
conservation, production and sustainable use of
fisheries which commits the 153 Contracting Parties
to the Convention to playing their role in
establishing and maintaining sustainable fisheries
in wetlands. (See for further info)
Walks |
Our first walk for 2007
will be held on Sunday 11 February. We will be walking
alongside the golf course on the western shore of the
lagoon. Meet at the parking area near the Milnerton Canoe
Club, next to Woodbridge Island at 14h30. Please wear
comfortable shoes for beach and path walking. Bring a small
snack and drink for the halfway break. |
On Sunday 11 March in the afternoon we are planning a walk
which will take in the Diep River and the fynbos corridor.
More details will be given nearer the time but diarise this
For queries on the above activities please contact Pauline
on 557 6920 (H) or 464 4748 (W)
Thank you to all members who
supported our activities in 2006 and we hope you will
continue to support us in 2007. Our last walk, held on 5
November was well supported in spite of a chilly
south-easter blowing across the vlei. See the picture
gallery for photos.
As you are probably all
aware from the TV, newspaper and website coverage a
Christmas present for the birds of the vlei was a serving of
fish. Actually it turned out to be closer to 80 tons of
fish. |
Following the death of numerous fish in the North and South
Vleis of Rietvlei Wetland Reserve from 25 - 28 December 2006
the area has been cleaned of all dead fish and the water
quality is once again suitable for recreational use. Dr Ivan
Toms, Executive Director: City Health, authorised the
re-opening of the recreational area for the use of the
public on Wednesday 10 January 2007. Routine water sampling
in the North Vlei on 19 December 2006 showed normal results
for that waterbody. However, during the hot, windless days
leading up to Christmas the water temperature rose by over 8
degrees Celsius and dissolved oxygen levels dropped by over
half normal levels. This is assumed to have affected the
largely estuarine fish species harders/southern mullet,
springer/flatheaded mullet and estuarine round herring,
causing an extensive die-off. The deaths of such large
quantities of fish led to a massive clean-up operation being
undertaken by staff of the City of Cape Town and volunteers
from the Milnerton Aquatic Club, Friends of Rietvlei and the
general public. This clean-up was undertaken as a matter of
urgency to prevent a health nuisance as well as to prevent
the water body from being further contaminated by rotting
fish. It is estimated that 80 tons of dead fish was taken to
the City`s Vissershok landfill site. |
Water samples taken on 8 January 2007 indicated results that
were normal for the area. Sampling of water is essentially a
"snapshot" in time. Since water quality can change very
rapidly, users should always be cautious and use common
sense if the water looks abnormally green, is odorous or if
dead fish/other animals are observed. Unusual fish behavior
such as erratic swimming/gasping at the surface could
signify the onset of low oxygen conditions which the City
should be made aware of. Regular users of the area are
valuable as "field eyes" and can help the City with early
response to abnormal environmental conditions. Report it to
Koos Retief, manager: Rietvlei Wetland Reserve, on tel 021
550 1086. |
The City staff are looking at ways to further investigate
this problem to find solutions to safeguarding the value of
the area for conservation. |
Following the email request to our members on 27 December
for assistance there was a turnout of members helping pick
up fish as well as bringing refreshments for the hard
Did you know that your
cellphone can now help you make choices that limit your
impact on our oceans? The SA Sustainable Seafood Initiative
(SASSI) FishMS allows you to easily make the better choice
when consuming or buying fish. All you need to do is simply
text the name of a fish to 079-499-8795 and you'll
immediately get a message telling you whether to tuck in,
think twice or avoid completely. TRY IT, IT WORKS!! |
Full details of how the classification system works are
online at
As you are aware this
time of year is the season for fires to get out of hand. An
unplanned fire in a nature reserve can cause devastation to
habitat. The City’s Nature Conservation Branch welcomes the
assistance of volunteers when fighting fires in reserves BUT
the volunteers need to have some basic training. If you are
interested in this matter please contact Pat on or 557 3748 (H).
Over the past few years
Rietvlei has been lucky to have had students working at the
reserve for their experiential (third) year of the studies
for their Nature Conservation Diploma. We welcome Elana
Kellerman, Liezl van Schoor and Zanele Nhlapo to Rietvlei.
During the year we will meet up with them, as they undertake
projects under the supervision of Koos Retief, Reserve
Manager. |
Thanks go to Chevron Refinery for
sponsoring envelopes for the posted newsletter. |