Upcoming activities for
your enjoyment and assistance: |
At the recent AGM a
comment from our members that was taken up by the committee
was to arrange an awareness campaign for the general public
and members of our local community who live around our
beautiful Reserve. Gloria Wilson has organised display space
outside Table View Pick 'n Pay Superstore so we need your
help to man the display and tell the shoppers what a great
reserve is on our doorstep!! This will celebrate World
Environment Day which occurs on 5 June. |
Date: Sunday 4th June 2006
Time: 09h00 to 14h00 in one hour shifts
Enquiries: Pauline 557 6920 a/h or 464 4748 o/h to take up
your time slot
Although winter has set
in we have arranged the sherry to warm you on arrival at our
next evening talk. This is a special evening as you will be
hearing and seeing presentations from the three students who
are doing their year’s practical training at Rietvlei.
Please make sure you come and support them. |
Date: Thursday 8 June 2006
Time: 7.30pm for 8.00pm
Venue: Rietvlei Education Centre, adjacent to Milnerton
Aquatic Club, Table View
Topic: Student projects 2006
Enquiries: Pauline 557 6920 a/h or 464 4748 o/h ALL WELCOME
Thank you to those
members who paid their subs so promptly on receiving the
April newsletter. This is a further reminder that membership
renewals are now due. You will find a
membership form attached with the bank details should
you want to do a direct bank deposit. Please advise payment
by email or fax (021 557 3748). You can also use the old
method of posting a cheque to our postbox. Please make the
effort to renew your membership as soon as possible. Your
membership is valued to make this a strong organisation.
Your input and assistance with projects is also needed.
Should you have already paid your subs please use the form
attached to encourage friends and neighbours to join.
At the end of 2005 there
was a fire in the reserve near the Otto du Plessis bridge
where it crosses the Diep River. This area has been sprayed
to eradicate kikuyu grass. The area is now being
rehabilitated with restios that have been rescued from the
bulldozers at Century City. Keep a look out for this patch
when you are driving to or from the Milnerton. |
Alien vegetation clearing (mostly Port Jackson and
rooikrans) has been undertaken by contractors along the
Milnerton Ridge boundary, Sanccob area, Waves Edge area,
Flamingo Vlei boundary and up the Diep River adjacent to Gie
Road. |
Controlled burning is being done on suitable days in the
“bird hide block”. This is to eradicate brush piles that
were stacked after the chopping down of rooikrans. The
Working for Wetlands team have propagated suitable pioneer
plants that will be planted in the area shortly. The plants
that were planted out as part of this project last winter
are generally growing well.
The proposed extension
and upgrading of wastewater treatment and associated
infrastructure in the Blaauwberg Area final scoping report
is now available at Table View library. You can also access
the report from the consultants, CCA Environmental on
www.ccaenvironmental.co.za. The committee has commented
on this study previously, expressing concern that Potsdam
wastewater treatment works will once again be enlarged and
therefore impacting directly on Rietvlei. Following this
scoping phase the project will be going into environmental
impact assessing of the chosen options. |
The proposed bulk water storage and supply to Blaauwberg
development area study is at the stage of draft scoping
report. This will be made available from the consultants
Ninham Shand shortly. Look out for notification of an Open
Day that should be advertised in the local press shortly. |
This newsletter comes to you with the kind
assistance of Caltex. |