The Friends of Rietvlei
AGM took place on Thursday 5th May. After all the formal
business (the Chairman's report by Nelis Visagie and the
financial report by Pat Titmuss) had been taken care of, we
sat back to enjoy a talk given by James Collicott on
Lighthouses. |
His talk was illustrated by a PowerPoint presentation that
included photographs of the different lighthouses, of the
outside as well as inside, and also interesting facts about
the history and the technical aspects as regards the light
and the lenses. |
An interesting fact to emerge was that each lighthouse in a
particular area has its own external appearance and its own
pattern of flashes so mariners are able to tell which
lighthouse they are seeing when approaching land. It also
emerged that the lighthouse referred to as the Mouille Point
Lighthouse is in fact the Green Point Lighthouse, the
original Mouille Point Lighthouse having been demolished
years ago. |
It was also interesting to see a photograph of the original
Cape Point lighthouse which, because it was so often
invisible because of mist and heavy rain, had to be rebuilt
in a different location. |
Our own Milnerton Lighthouse was also mentioned. Those of us
who are driving to town in the early morning when it is
still dark are able to see the light and are much more aware
of it than we are in the summer. This is an unmanned
lighthouse but it is hoped at some time to possibly
introduce tours of the lighthouse. |
Mr Collicott also spoke about the tourism initiative SALATO,
the South African Lighthouse Adventure Tour Operations,
whereby accommodation at some lighthouses is available for
holiday rental. |
All in all it was a most absorbing talk and made for a very
pleasant end to the evening.
2005/2006 |
The committee is as it
was for last year, with Nelis Visagie as Chairman, Pat
Titmuss as Treasurer and Pauline Potton as Secretary. In
addition, Gail McDonald has been co-opted to help with Open
Days, John Herring to help with Finances and Barbara Banks
for the Newsletter. Further volunteers are always welcome!
For members paying an annual subscription please you
received a renewal form with your last newsletter. The new
financial year started on 1 April so your subs are now due.
Please post a cheque or pay by direct deposit at the bank.
Your subs keep this newsletter going as well as contribute
in many ways to the conservation of Rietvlei. Queries? Phone
Pat on 557 3748 (a/h)
Our last Open Day was held on a cold and windy Saturday 7th
May. About eight intrepid members braved the wind and went
on a walk to the bird hide. |
Our next OPEN DAY is going to be on Sunday afternoon the 5th
June, to coincide with World Environment Day, from 2 to 5
pm, with a walk to the Bird Hide starting at 3pm. Bring
friends & family to our environmental centre to read, chat,
and look. After the walk, or just a look, please join us for
a warming cup of tea or coffee to round off the afternoon.
It would be great if you could bring a plate of eats to
share. Please come and celebrate our wonderful environment
at Rietvlei. Aren't we lucky to have this wetland in the
midst of the city - really cause for CELEBRATION!!
For the second year in a row Rietvlei, and our very own
Educational Centre, will be a satellite venue for visiting
primary schools as part of the Youth Environmental School
(YES) program. We successfully hosted schools at Rietvlei
last year and the program is being organised again by the
Rietvlei staff and students. From Monday 30 May to Friday 3
June nine school groups will be able to see our wetland. The
City of Cape Town sponsors the bus transport for the
children. Lets hope the rain stays away for the five days
and that the children will have a great experience.
For our next EVENING TALK we will be combining with the
Friends of the BCA, at the BCA cabin. |
Date: Thursday 23 June 2005
Time: 7.30pm for 8pm
Venue: The BCA Cabin at Eerstesteen, Otto Du Plessis Drive
Topic: The Cape Flats Nature Project (a video and a talk)
Speaker: Tanya Goldman
Enquiries: Pauline 557 6920 a/h or 4644748 o/h
There are still boxes of educational and other stuff waiting
to be sorted at the Education Centre. If you are interested
in joining a work party to help with the sorting of the
material, please phone Pauline (557 6920 a/h or 4644748 o/h)
to let us know and then we can arrange a date and time.
Some of you did not received the second page which contained
an article and photos about the Cape Clawless Otters killed
by cars on the R27 earlier this year. See here for last
month's newsletter. |
This newsletter comes to you with the kind
assistance of Caltex. |